Notice of Hot Wax Deal: Rips, K-9 Duke It Out, Come To Terms On First Off-Season Deal

USML Forums Forums Brad Being Brad Notice of Hot Wax Deal: Rips, K-9 Duke It Out, Come To Terms On First Off-Season Deal

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    • #2994
      Brad Jansen

      “It’s my first step in trying to pass both the Berliners and the Bombers in next year’s standings,” explained Rips CEO Brad Jansen, “And for Andy Klein, it’s an opportunity to rebuild with a talented, but troubled young man.”

      Here is the Deal:  Riptorns trade Kelly Shoppach and Elijah Dukes for Ryan Sweeney.

      “Brad had promised, indeed threatened, to make several 2 for 1 and 3 for 1 deals this off-season,” stated Andrew Klein, “And I am only too happy to enjoy the Riptorns’ largesse.  Dukes is just the kind of young player who I expect to jumpstart my team in ’10, and Shoppach is a solid complement to my other catcher Mike Napoli.  One hits for power, and the other plays once a week.  I’m set.”

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