jhwinick at aol.com jhwinick at aol.com
Sat Feb 23 09:45:50 EST 2008


The votes are in.? In the absence of my vote, it was a tie (5-5).? Although I support Rich's proposal and it would?be adopted with my vote, I will be voting against the proposal.


I encourage league members to follow Rich's and my example.? Rich withdrew his controversial proposal to use stats of players traded out of the league and I have voted down a proposal I supported.? If we can't generate something approaching a consensus with respect to rules changes, we shouldn't tinker with our success.

So....the rule proposal is defeated and the Constitution remains unchanged.

The draft will be held at the offices of Sidley & Austin on March 15th.? I'm not sure we've arrived at a decision regarding the starting time, other than we'll be starting early.? I'll propose 9:00 a.m.? Let's see if we can arrive at a consensus regarding the start time.? If anyone thinks a different time would be better, please respond to this email with your suggestion.

The constitution provides that roster freeze day is March 15.? Obviously that will need to be adjusted this year.? Our roster freeze date has historically been between 1-2 weeks prior to the draft.? I will propose 5:00 p.m., Wednesday, March 5th, which splits the difference.? As in years past, with a pre-season draft date we have allowed teams a mulligan (i.e. the opportunity to throw back one retained player) prior the the start of the draft.? To be clear, we have not allowed teams to change their minds with respect to players that they hadn't chosen to retain.? As with the draft starting time, lets see if we can arrive at a consensus with respect to the Roster Freeze Date.? If anyone thinks a different freeze date would be better, please respond to this email with your proposal.

I'd like to have the starting time and the freeze date established by the end of the day tomorrow, so please respond asap.? Thanks.

Jeff Winick

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