[USML Announce] Notice of Hot Wax Seal

Jeff Winick jhwinick at aol.com
Sun May 22 10:29:49 EDT 2011

The King and the heir apparent hereby announce the following mutually beneficial transaction. 

Jon Lester
Alex Rios
Josh Willingham
Travis Snider


Eric Hosmer
Travis Hafner
Gordon Beckham
Vernon Wells

Outcome determinative?  We'll see. Perhaps Carl Crawford will have something to say about that. Perhaps Jim and Andy will decide to join forces. Perhaps Brad Lee takes off the skirt and decides to be a man, a Bonder Man. 

Or maybe you guys just let Mr. Robbins march unimpeded to victory.  But one thing is clear:  Richard Robbins has thrown down the gauntlet. Let's see if anyone has the stones to pick it up. 

The King
Sent from my iPhone

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