[USML Announce] USML Rosters - Sunday evening update

Andy Klein anrklein at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 21 06:59:19 EST 2005

Thanks for the quick work, Mark.  

On my roster, Kotchman should be $4 instead of $1.


--- MBBlocker at aol.com wrote:
> League:
>   All of the rosters are now loaded on the website,
> although not yet  
> "submitted."  I would appreciate if everyone would
> start looking through  the rosters 
> (your own and others if you can) for any errors. 
> One item to  which I simply 
> hazarded guesses was whether a player had lost
> rookie status and  qualified 
> for contract "0" rather than Y1; if you have
> information about  players, let me 
> know.  Please report any errors/corrections to me
> and I  will correct those 
> as I receive them.
>   Here are players for which I will need to do some
> special handling  and may 
> need further information:
> Hoosiers:  D. Matsuzaka (I have inserted a "dummy
> hitter" in his place  for 
> now).
> Calamari:  C. Clapinski (Mark Kerber correctly notes
> he is on the  Royals, 
> but the entry on the website says he is on the
> Dodgers, so it will not  allow me 
> to add him to the roster>  I will get the TQStats
> folks to  correct this).
> RedHots:  Maybin (I will need to call TQS); F.
> Hernandez (He does not  show 
> up on the White Sox; do we have any further
> information on him that I can  use 
> with TQS?)
> Nukes:  Alex Gordon (I inserted Mike Gordon as a
> placeholder); Jeff  Clement 
> (no available information; can you supply
> information on him and Gordon  so I 
> can supply it to TQS?)
> Winick:  J. Upton and Tyler Green (will need to
> address with  TQS).
>   Thats is all for now.
>   -- Mark B.

Andrew R. Klein
anrklein at yahoo.com

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