[USML Announce] Will Huber Carry the Mantle of Greatness?

Brad Jansen bljansen at gmail.com
Mon May 8 16:37:40 EDT 2006

Jeff Winick was breathless after watching yesterday's White Sox-Royals game
and it wasn't because of the sheer number of naturalized citizens either on
the field or in attendance.

"I have seen the future of Royals baseball," cried Jeffery, "And it's name
is Huber--Justin Huber.  It's of no small coincidence that he wears the
number 7, yes the same number borne by the late great Mickey Mantle.  Let me
say this: 5 years from today, if not sooner, the number 7 will be associated
with Huber and Huber alone. Forget The Mick. Millions of Missourians across
this great land know of what I speak.  I saw this kid belt a shot off
Buerhle that died on the right field warning track, a shot that on any other
day would have landed in the last row of the bleachers, but for the mighty
wind a-blowin' in from the Lake.

"And make no mistake: the Winds of Change are a-blowin' and they cannot be
stopped by Republicans or Democrats or by Angry Young Men...the lowly Royals
shall rise again and a Huber shall lead them to domination or,
alternatively, they shall be lead by an Alex Gordon or a Billy Butler,
Riptorns all!!  Like the Royals the Riptorns shall rise from the ashes of
their burned out dreams and hopes.  Now go and be prepared.  I must get back
to my soaps."
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