Reply To: Backstory of Klein-Nukes Deal: Now It Can Be Told

USML Forums Forums Brad Being Brad Backstory of Klein-Nukes Deal: Now It Can Be Told Reply To: Backstory of Klein-Nukes Deal: Now It Can Be Told

Andy Klein

Several points, Brad.

1. Your history is truncated. You traded me Dukes after I traded you Dukes after you traded me Dukes. All during the offseason. Instead of complaining, you should be thanking me for keeping you entertained.

2. Good God, man! Stop whining about rules proposals that failed!! With all your carping, is it any wonder that people have resorted to debating the merits of the ’85 Bears?

3. Maybe you shouldn’t have been so quick to trade Hernandez and Overbay. Their owners seem to be having fine seasons.

4. Finally, King Bean, Alex Gordon (guaranteed to come quickly “out of the gates” in Winick’s magazine), and Billy Butler are all in the majors. So trade their asses already, and quit yer bitchin’.

That is all.

