Reply To: Winick’s Motion to Revoke Blocker’s COPS Membership

USML Forums Forums Beans Winick’s Motion to Revoke Blocker’s COPS Membership Reply To: Winick’s Motion to Revoke Blocker’s COPS Membership

Jeff Winick


That deft misdirection play is nearly the clincher to get your moniker changed to KR. In the face of compelling evidence regarding your performance over the last 11 years and concrete proof that you misrepresented how many times that you had finished 5th (3 out of the last 6 years), you keep pounding away, undeterred. Bravo!

So, notwithstanding the fact that Joey Gathright was sent down yesterday, thus making my “Monster-Talent” reference perfectly timely, I do promise to throw a few new themes your way. Heaven knows there’s plenty of ground to mine.

That is all.

Jeff Winick
Published Fantasy Expert
Ron Shandler’s Attorney
Got “Good Wood”