Too Rich For My Blood

USML Forums Forums Beans Too Rich For My Blood

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  • Author
    • #2343
      Andy Klein

      Only a few days until Bean Season.  All eyes are on the Red Hots …

    • #2344
      Brad Jansen


      While I know my dear friend Richard E. Robbins certainly can fend for himself, particularly as to the likes of you, I for one take umbrage with your backhanded swipe against the Hots.

      What makes you think he’s dumping? Since when does a team with two closers, Konerko, Hafner and a wealth of quality SPs give up as early as June 1? Seems that the K-9 only is marginally better, if at all, than the Crimson Wieners, and they certainly rank equal if not better than the LMC, FBs and BBs. Way too early to discuss Bean Season when it comes to Rich and your remark is insulting to a man of his character and competitive drive.

      Come at me with your your dull blade, if you dare to parry, but at least choose a fair target, like the Nukes or Angries….(as if we don’t know you’re trying in typically transparent fashion to expand the market for Garko, as if he’s the Holy Grail of the Dumpsters–like RER will bite at that sorry bait…).

      Baffled in the Basement,

    • #2345
      Andy Klein


      Why did you assume that I meant Rich was a buyer of beans instead of a seller of beans?


    • #2346
      Jeff Winick

      Oooh, oooh….me first.

      Cuz Rich doesn’t sell beans. He plants them and watches them and watches them and watches them. Rich loves his beans like children, its Brad Lee that treats them like pieces of meat.


    • #2347
      Richard Robbins

      I go full cycle — from prospect, to suspect, to invisible. . .

    • #2348
      Brad Jansen

      Kinda like a red-eyed cicada, eh?

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